Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Cloth Diapering 101

Something slightly unfamiliar to me, Gracelyn is our 4th baby and my 1st to cloth diaper. I know... slightly crazy. When I thought of cloth diaper I thought of those huge white pieces of material (I came to find out they actually have a name = prefolds) and big safety pins that absolutely freaked me out. (I have vivid memories of my mom using these on my sister, but luckily since she used these big honkin pins I didn't have to help in the diaper changing department).

I have since then changed my mindset and explored this cloth diapering thing and became very interested. I like to save money and love all things natural. And this is the 1st time I have had two kiddos in diapers (Peyton is almost potty trained but when we started he wasn't even close to potty training). Well here is what I have been finding out.

there is a whole new world to cloth diapering these days!
Totally modern, and the best part, other than saving a lot of $$$, is they are so stinkin cute! Oh and another plus is not having to argue about who is going to take a stinky bag of disposable diapers to town to dispose of!
Oh and a few more benefits of cloth diapering that I have appreciated
*Less Blowouts, few and far between. I actually haven't had 1 blowout yet!!!
*less diaper rash, Gracie hasn't had 1 diaper rash since we started using cloth diapers and neither has Peyton! He has suffered many diaper rashes from the chemicals in disposable diapers
*So cozy, SO CUTE Seriously, these are just way more fun to put on then a regular pair of disposable diapers and they are so soft, it just seems fitting to put this cute soft cotton diaper on Miss Gracie's soft little buns!
and... just look at my cute little toddler sportin the 'Smart Bottom' cloth diaper.
Now lets get real. These diapers are soooo stinkin cute, but the inside... now the 'taking care of them' part can't be cute. It's gross... icky... disgusting... OVERWHELMING... isn't it?? Of course NOPE Not at all! Here's what I do. (Read on, I'll explain the brand of diapers that I use and all the supplies that I use)
Washing system of our Cloth Diapers (infant - eating solid foods)
1. Take the cloth diaper off your baby. I use cloth wipes, just leave the wipes in the diaper (if using disposable you need to THROW these into the garbage, DON'T WASH them!!)
2. Throw the diaper into the diaper pail (garbage can with pail liner). DO NOT rinse diaper, DO NOT soak diaper, just throw it in the pail!
3. Washing day: (this is every-other day) Take the entire pail liner to the washing machine. Put everything into the washing machine...you don't need to look at any of it.. JUST THROW IT IN! Including the liner!
4. WASH.  rinse on cold cycle. wash on HOT cycle. rinse cycle. HANG dry! (you can do this inside or outside, I love to hang them outdoors as often as the weather cooperates)
So there you have it, so easy and there isn't any mess and you don't have to look or deal with any of that 'icky' stuff that's inside the diapers, well at least until your baby is eating sold foods and when you're at that stage here is what you do.
Washing system of our Cloth Diapers (after you start solid foods- potty training stage) 
1. Take the cloth diaper off your baby.
2. Throw the diaper into the diaper pail  -IF IT'S WET!!
2a.) If it's NOT wet.. yep that icky stuff... then you need to dump it in the toilet. I use this sprayer for Peyton's icky messes (which actually doesn't make it bad at all to use the sprayer). After you have rinsed it, throw it into the diaper pail.
You can also use these disposable biodegradable diaper liners, they lay on top of the diaper, and flush when they are soiled.
3. Washing day: Take the entire pail liner to the washing machine. Put everything into the washing machine...you don't need to look at any of it.. JUST THROW IT IN! Including the liner!
 4. WASH.  rinse on cold cycle. wash on HOT cycle. rinse cycle. HANG dry!
The IN'S and OUT'S
Detergent Yes, you do need special detergent, here is a link and here is another one for detergent suggestions. I use this one. I have a front load HE washing machine and it has been working great for cloth diapering.
 Diaper Pail you can order these or get the nice garbage can with a lid. You will also need a liner, these are my favorite.
Wet Bag this is by far my favorite,  I store my clean diapers on the outside and the dirty diapers on the inside. It's breathable so the diapers don't ever get moldy.
Wipes you can use disposable (which I did in the beginning) but it was really a pain to have to separate the wipes from the diapers. I'm on the go a lot and I started putting the wipes in the diapers but then had to dig back through the diapers when it was washing time. So I bought a few of these and they work so slick! I'm already washing diapers, throwing these in with isn't any more of a hassle. You don't have to buy special wipes. Wash clothes will do the trick as well!
Aren't they hard to put on your squirmy baby??
To my surprise they aren't at all! I prefer the Velcro (Ashtyn does too) but the snaps are just as easy.
There are many different styles of diapers, here's some comparisons... pre-folds, pocket diapers, all in one's.
I use the OS (one size fits all) and pocket diapers and all in ones. 
Here are the brands that I have: BumGenius, Smart Bottoms, Flip and Sunbaby.
I have bought most of them off of eBay but did buy the Smart Bottoms from a retail store in Henderson, MN, paid more than I'd like to admit but I'm in love with them!
Here is most of my stash :)
Flip and BumGenius both are solid prints.
Smart Bottoms and Sunbaby have both solid and pattern prints.
I honestly have nothing back to say about any of the brands.
Naturally, I do have favorites... 
 and here is how I store them, 1/2 in here and 1/2 upstairs :)
So there you have it, our cloth diapering 101.
We started cloth diapering Miss Gracie when she was a little over 1 month old and Peyton was a little over 2 years old. I still use disposables at night on Peyton but I have fallen head over heals for cloth diapering :)


Monday, August 5, 2013

Got Eggs!!

Farm Fresh Eggs, we have plenty of them to share with all of you!! :) 

Our hens are layin! We have 7 dozen eggs ready to go to new homes today! :) 

Why FARM FRESH eggs vs. store bought eggs...
Take a look at the eggs from a free range hen vs a conventionally raised hen. The difference in the eggs are incredible from the outside to the yolk! 
Free Range Hens:: yolks are dark yellow
Conventionally Hens: yolks are light yellow and much flatter

Free Range Hens: Fresh eggs!! (can purchase after just hours old)
Conventionally Hens: Eggs purchased at the store are much older

Free Range Hens: Much less likely to be infected with salmonella
 Ok... and the best part! The nutritional differences
Eggs from the Free Range hens have:
  • 2/3 more Vitamin A
  • 2x more Omega-3
  • 3x more Vitamin E
  • 7x more beta Carotene
  • 4-6x more Vitamin D
  • 1/3 less cholesterol
  • 1/4 less saturated fat
Now that you are all going to be so in love with the idea of farm fresh eggs the Gniffke kiddos have plenty they'd love to sell you :)